Cozy Boom's sustainability governance structure

At Cozy Boom, oversight of ESG & Sustainability lies with the most senior levels of our organization. The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall strategy and direction, at portfolio and corporate level. It also sets ESG targets. Implementation is then delegated to the Executive Team, led by the Co-Head Investments for portfolio-level and the CFO for corporate-level activities.

The Executive Team mandates the Investment and Group Finance & Corporate Development teams to execute the Sustainability Strategy at portfolio and firm level, with oversight from the Chairman of Sustainability, who acts as a bridge between the Executive Team and the operational teams.

To maintain high levels of risk management, value creation, and reporting standards across the platform, Cozy Boom’s Sustainability governance and control framework integrates ESG into the investment process and our Enterprise Risk Management framework, and assures independent monitoring of risks.

Awards, Membership, & Accreditations


Corporate Sustainability


Responsible Investment
